3 Menopause Type You Should Know

In the vast majority of women, menopause occurs naturally around the fifties. But some menopause are caused by or related to treatment of diseases. Still others occur after 50 years.

Menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years. Five per cent of women are menopausal before the age of 45 and the same proportion after 55 years. Menopause is considered early if it occurs before age 40 and later after 55 years.

The early menopause

The early menopause concern about 1% of women. They pose major problems because they are often very poorly supported psychologically. But we do not know yet how to prevent and deal with these women, who still have many years to live. There are even 0.1% of women under 30 years past menopause.

Some early menopause occurs for unknown reasons. A review should be conducted to find a possible genetic cause (fragile X syndrome, mutation receiver FSH ...), which could be the cause. We know in fact that many genetic alterations that may go unnoticed long, determine an accelerated aging of the ovaries and lead through it early menopause. Turner's syndrome (a single X chromosome) may also be involved in early menopause, but this genetic disease is generally already known. Finally, in a fifth of cases, a disease in autoimmune component may be involved.

The secondary menopause

Among other women, the cause of early menopause is obvious. Thus the case for patients who have undergone treatment that affect ovarian activity. Some treatments can induce symptoms similar to menopause (analogous to the synthesis of Gn-RH ...), but these events are temporary and disappear at the end of the prescription. These artificial menopause can result from a surgery that led to the ovaries removed because of cancer or cysts, an embolization for uterine fibroids have disrupted vasculature ovaries, irradiation of a small basin of chemotherapy anti-cancer ...

To limit this risk, doctors are trying to limit the actions that affect female fertility among cancer patients. Among girls or young women, various approaches are also developed to preserve ovarian tissue after treatment in order to maintain fertility and allow a pregnancy. If they are couples, these women may also apply for a donation of oocytes for a medically assisted procreation (PMA). The symptoms of menopause induced these are close to those of normal menopause (hot flashes ...) and expose them to 50 years with an increased risk of osteoporosis because of the absence of estrogen. This explains why doctors purpose hormone treatment for these women in a preventive purpose.

The late menopause

Menopause appearing after 55 years are quite rare. They seem to expose an increased likelihood of breast cancer, while the onset of menopause before age 45 seems contrary to represent a protective factor.

Zoom Into Perimenopause Changes

Menopause does not suddenly happen. It is preceded by a long period known as perimenopause. This period of menstrual irregularities preceding the termination of period and the years following the apparent arrest of the menstrual cycle.

Between 45 and 50 years menstrual abnormalities beginning to appear, this age varies depending on heredity and gynecological history.

Disturbances annunciator

This period preceding the end of your menstrual cycle and last from two to four years.

Corresponding to the declining production of female hormones, it is marked by menstrual irregularities

  • Lengthening or shortening of the cycle;
  • Change of abundance, frequency and duration of the the menstrual period.

Troubles before your menstrual period (or premenstrual syndrome congestif):

  • Tension breasts swollen and painful (mastodynie);
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Instability of mood
  • Insomnia
  • Edema in the face, etc..

The uterus is a bit much bigger. The cervical mucus is abundant. These symptoms are related to the persistence or exaggeration of the secretion of estrogen and decrease (or disappearance) secretion of progesterone.

Perimenopause lasts four years on average and by definition continues during the 12 months following the latest menstrual period, in events that this don’t pose big problems, no treatment is necessary. However, if the troubles really hamper the quality of life, you should talk with your doctor. With him, the possibility of treatment can be addressed.

Menopause And Hormone During Women Life Stages

Puberty, perimenopause, menopause, post-menopause ... The women life is physiological marked with different changes. While hormones play an important place in our daily lives, what do you know exactly about these substances?

If you thought that only teenagers are governed by their hormones, know that this influence continues throughout your life too.

The four stages of hormonal life

The female body changes with age and many of these changes are directly related to hormones influence, this rate varies during different stages of life. The influence of hormones is dormant during childhood and they start between 9 and 13 years.

Puberty: The breasts begin to form (breast bud). The pubic hair appear and between one and four years later, come the first period that mark the entrance into puberty. This period ends with the complete maturation of genitals.

Perimenopause: This transition reflects the approach of menopause. The period become less regular and the first symptoms of menopause may appear (hot flashes, night sweats ...). This period is between 2 and 4 years before the latest rules and is still one year after stopping them.

Menopause: Entering menopause is marked by the latest rules. Nobody knows with certainty that this is the last after a year without menstruation.

Post-menopause: the period after menopause and continues until the end of life. Pregnancies are impossible.

But what are the mysterious conductors that punctuate the lives of women?

The secrets circuits of hormonal system

Without claiming to explain all the hormonal mechanisms of our body, i will present some highlights. In this hormonal system, several bodies take the spotlight.

The ovaries are two small oval bodies located on both sides of the uterus. At birth, they contain 700 000 follicles. Only 400 to 500 of them will be matured and bond actually an egg during the menstrual cycle. The maturation of these follicles is linked to the production of estrogen.

But the real conductor of this system lies in the head. At the base of the brain, the hypothalamus is a small gland, this is the key to the whole system. Stimulated by the central nervous system, stimulates the hypothalamus, pituitary hormones through Gn RH. In turn, the front part of the pituitary hormone follicular stimulation product (FSH) and the luteinizing hormone (LH). Acting together, these two hormones in turn stimulate the maturation of one of ovarian follicles, which will give an egg. As the maturation of the egg, the quantities of estrogen and progesterone increase. These hormones will cause the thickness of the uterine epithelium, which is preparing to welcome and nurture the fertilized egg after conception. The maximum rate of estrogen is reached a day before ovulation. It is the LH hormone that triggers ovulation around the 14th day. Caution, however, this can vary so contraceptive methods based on this schedule are not reliable. If there is no fertilization, the hormone levels fall, the uterine wall is necrosis, is off and the period are triggered while rebuilding the wall is being .

With the approach of perimenopause, the hormone levels fluctuate without following any rhythm. On the other hand, the pituitary gland release more FSH hormone to maintain the smooth functioning of ovaries, which themselves become resistant to this hormone. The period become unpredictable, both in pace and their volume. Your doctor can then prescribe you the FSH. But the rate of this hormone is very volatile during perimenopause. After the absence of your menstrual period for a year and with a high rate of FSH, it can diagnose menopause. Attention, less than a year after the last menstrual period, getting pregnant is always possible.

Hormonal Treatment Of Menopause

Risks demonstrated ... in 2002, the publication of a U.S. study called WHI (for Women's Health Initiative) was the effect of a thunderclap in the sky for the treatment of menopause. Since European and French, study have prompted health authorities to revise on downwards the guidance of hormonal treatment of menopause. But specifically, what attitude to adopt towards treatment when a woman is experiencing menopause

Tailor the treatment

"Today, treatment are reserved primarily for women suffering from climacteric, ie hot flashes, joint pain, from vaginal dryness, etc.. They take "sometime", time disturbances, generally 4 to 5 years. And the ideal combination of hormones is an estrogen administered through the skin (patch or gel) that adding natural progesterone (Utrogestan or the one of its generic tablets). " Another proposal experts, the tibolone (Livial), a hormone replacement therapy for menopause alone to estrogen and progestin effects at the same time, effective bursts of heat and the bone without the disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy ( TSH) "classic" on the breast.

What is the real risk?

The Strategy of HRT is based on the results of a number of studies. Thus, hormones surrogates are taking a risk of phlebitis and / or pulmonary embolism which we know are due to estrogen take tablets. Then heart disease, which are linked to the type of progestin: "The molecule chosen by the Americans is very little used in France for example"

Finally, the third risk is breast cancer, confirmed by all studies. But it seems that the TSH reveals cancer rather than creates it, and ultimately, the mortality rate is the same as taking HRT or not. Perhaps it would be even better prognosis when receiving HRT because their breast cancers are different and / or they are better used on ... What is certain is that women who don ' have not received progestin, because their uterus was removed in the past did not have breast cancer. And two hormones, natural progesterone and tibolone, have proved so far without any disadvantage for the breast. The second is also tested for 3 years in the "worst" conditions, in women who have had breast cancer.

Finally, if we analyse all recent work, the treatment of menopause would have a positive effects when it is given just after menopause, not after 60 years, as was the case in the WHI study TSH which was administered to prevent the consequences of aging.

Herbal Remedies For Your Menopause

Keep things simple and natural, this is what i will always repeat :D. In this first part of the post i will focus on some tips that will help you for your daily living, so let's begin.

Menopause is part of the natural, life-long process of female growth and development. The word menopause originates from the Greek words meaning "to cease" and "month." In essence, menopause refers to the stopping of menstruation. For most American women, menopause occurs at an average age of 51, but it can begin as early as 40 and end as late as 58.

One thing is for sure and that is every woman's experience of menopause will be different. Approximately 80% of all women will go through the "change of life" - as it is often referred to - with very few symptoms other than their periods coming to an end.

Menopause symptoms occur due to the physical changes a woman experiences as she gets older. In particular, it is due to the reduction in the levels of hormones - namely estrogen and progesterone - in her body. This decrease causes an irregularity in the menstrual cycle and the eventual end of the menstrual cycle all together.

The three early menopause symptoms that signify the start of the process are irregular monthly periods, vaginal dryness and hot flashes (or hot flushes). Probably the most common - or classic - symptom is hot flashes. Hot flash symptoms are when a woman experiences a sudden wave of heat rising through your body, in particular in the chest, neck and face, which can be (usually is) accompanied by a "blushing" sensation or flushed/reddening skin. The feeling can last for quite a few minutes and become quite uncomfortable.

A hot flash can make you perspire - in some cases profusely - and may bring on headaches, dizziness and an increased heart rate (though it's nothing to be overly concerned with - it's usually just your heart trying to cope with the increase in blood flow). An effective method for dealing with hot flashes (or hot flushes depending on what part of the world you live in) is to help control your temperature by wearing several layers of clothing. When you get hot, you can always take some layers off. A cool shower often works well, but depends if you're at home or have access to a shower. Drinking cool liquids (not necessarily cold, but nicely cool) usually has a very beneficial effect as well.

One of the other symptoms of menopause - that of vaginal dryness - are caused by the reduction in estrogen. This decrease in natural hormones makes the urinary tract a lot thinner, and can cause both the urinary tract and vagina to become more susceptible to infection. In certain cases, it can also make having sex quite a painful, or at least uncomfortable experience.

There are many natural herbs for menopause that you can take to ease the symptoms, but one of the best remedies for the dryness is to use natural creams and/or lubricants like ky jelly, apricot or vitamin E oil. All of these will make having sex a much more pleasurable experience again (but unfortunately can't account for the performance of a partner!). There are other over the counter or prescription creams that your physician may also recommend, many of which contain extra estrogen.

Next post will focus on herbal remedies for the menopause, so keep an eye on this blog.

What Causes Early Menopause

Normal menopause is a gradual process that starts between the ages of 45 and 55. It is defined as occurring in women who have at least one ovary, and takes 5 to 10 years, though it can take up to 13 years. Early menopause, on the other hand, can start in the 30's or early 40's, in women who have at least one ovary.

Premature menopause has the advantage that the whole process is usually quicker than regular menopause. 1% of women will have finished their mid life transition by the age of 40. On the whole, 1 to 3 years is shaved off.

There are a number of things that can lead to premature menopause. Sometimes these things are a result of lifestyle choices, that include:

* poor nutrition
* heavy smoking
* heavy drinking
* chronic stress to the body - this can include excessive athletic training

However, sometimes factors outside of a woman's control lead to early menopause. For example, autoimmune disorders can affect menopause as well. Mumps and other serious viral infections can damage a woman's eggs. Given that menopause is associated with fewer primary follicles being able to develop and ovulate, it is easy to see why a woman with fewer follicles, or damaged eggs unable to develop into an ovulatory egg, is prone to an earlier menopause.

If a woman has undergone radiation therapy or chemotherapy, large numbers of eggs can be destroyed. With fewer eggs left, menopause will be earlier than in healthy women.

Some women are just born with fewer eggs. They will also experience premature menopause. When a woman's mother underwent menopause is a good guide to her own genetic predisposition.

Women who have had their ovaries removed before they experience a natural menopause will undergo what is called 'artificial menopause'. This is a very abrupt form of menopause, and hormone replacement therapy is usually recommended because the body has not had a chance to get used to the hormonal changes.

Women who have a hysterectomy, even with the preservation of their ovaries, may find themselves having menopausal symptoms. Any surgery to the pelvic area can disrupt blood flow and cause ovarian failure.

Ovarian failure does not necessarily mean that the ovaries have run out of eggs. There may be eggs present, but a woman's body does not respond to the hormonal signals they create.

Another ovarian disorder, called 'diminished ovarian reserve', is often a preamble of premature ovarian failure if it occurs in woman under the age of 40. In it, a woman may still have reasonably regular periods, but she begins to experience the symptoms of menopause.

Fertility And My Chance To Get Pregnant

What is fertility?
Fertility is the ability of a woman to get pregnant, and therefore to conceive a child. Women are fertile from the moment they have there menstrual cycle at the time of puberty, until the menstrual period disappear with menopause. Doctors believe that a disorder of fertility may be present when a couple fails to make a child after a year of testing.

What are the factors influencing fertility?

The first factor to consider is that of age, since fertility declines with him. Fertility in a woman begins to decline between 20 years and 30-35 years, then more seriously decreases from 35 years before being very low see zero between 45 years and the advent of menopause. The age occupies an important place on fertility because ovulation and uterine lining that fix itself in the embryo deteriorate over the years.

The fertility depends on your lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, cannabis or caffeine may affect the chances to conceive a child, women who do not use all of this have better chance to get pregnant from women who smoke or who drink daily.

Another very important factor is whether the contact with toxic substances (radiation, pesticides, solvents ...) which may lead to sterility.

Stress is also one of the elements influencing fertility: a woman relaxed and serene willing to make a child will be pregnant soon better than a woman undergoing stress in his daily work or in her everyday life.

The last factor affecting fertility is, of course, the frequency of sex: women who make love only a few months will not have the same chances to conceive a child than those who make love several times a week.

How to put all the chances of your side?
Clearly, if after several months of test you do not see a pregnancy symptom, sit and learn to relax in the evening while returning from work, or go get a massage.

Throw away all harmful products, whether cigarettes or alcohol, and replace the coffee with fruit juice. Be sure to have a balanced and varied diet (meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products ...) and regular (do not skip meals and avoid nibbling), and think of you moisturize. Finally, put yourself in regular physical activity and remember to make love!

What Happen Exactly During Irregular Menstrual Cycle?

Irregular menstrual cycles affect more women than previously thought. In most cases, this disorder in the system of ovulation suddenly appears before disappearing in the same way. Or it may also be linked to various diseases: diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease or a deficiency of estrogen or overweight or lack of female hormones. In these cases, weight loss, taking estrogen or medical monitoring, sufficient to restore order in the female cycle.

When the body refuses

However, for other women, things look more complicated and the difficulty of knowing and therefore to assess the period of ovulation, make it difficult to find the right moment to make a baby and it might even be a dream that is not feasible for some.

When amenorrhea occurs it's the lack of menstrual cycle for more than three months - there is a cause for concern. Indeed, the causes of a long absence of menstrual cycle could be more serious and have consequences on your fertility. The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) (which affects 5% to 10% of women), endometriosis and osteoporosis are often the source of these problems.

For women suffering from ovarian syndrome (PCOS), there is a high risk of infertility. The follicles, where the eggs grow, turn into cysts, which prevent eggs to mature. This then causes a high risk of infertility and the risk of an endometriosis is greater, with the lining of the uterus bleeding with menstrual pain. Fertility is often invoked because there is a risk that the ovaries, fallopian tubes or the uterus may be damaged.

Nevertheless, you must keep in mind that all the problems of irregular menstrual cycle do not necessarily mean infertility or health problems. This irregularity in menstrual cycle may need medical attention for some women while for others the majority, it is not necessary

Menopausal Hot Flashes And Sweating

At the office for an appointment or a dinner between friends, without respite: hot flashes occur, without warning, and often ruin the lives of women. Depending on their intensity, they are not experienced or taken over in the same way.

The most common symptom of menopause

For most women, menopause occurs between 45 and 55 years. With it, functional disorders, called climacteric disorders, which can appear sometimes. Of these, hot flashes are one of the most characteristic and most early menopause symptoms in Western countries. The ovaries produce less and less hormones, the resulting deficiency can trigger hot flashes, sometimes exacerbated by stressful situations.

They usually appear before the judgment rules. Other events, such as fatigue, vaginal dryness and weight gain, are more insidious. If hot flashes are non-existent or very moderate in a woman in two, the other half suffers from these events sometimes very painful.

Cluttered by a feeling of intense heat that suddenly invades the chest, neck, and then climbs the face, hot flushes can also be accompanied by redness and sweating. They last between 30 seconds and a few minutes, and are often followed by cold sweat. These episodes are repeating sometimes up to 15 to 20 times per day may bother some women point to prevent them from working.

During the night, sweats take over, awakening women and forcing them to change the sheets, sometimes insomnia. These "mini-heat waves" passengers are not dangerous, but can become a real source of fatigue and depression.

However they vary widely from one woman to another, both in frequency and intensity, and often lived in a very different way as women. According to some studies, they also vary depending on the country, food and socio-cultural level. They can disappear spontaneously after 4 or 5 years on average, but it is estimated that half of women with real hot flushes keep them very long, up to ten years if they are not treated.

Why Libido Is Affected?

Menopause lead to a decrease in hormonal secretion, therefore sexual desire is affected.

In addition, menopause causes drying of the vaginal lining, a decrease of lubrication, and thus pain at the moment of penetration.

Given this, what should we do? Firstly, if you are affected, you must not hesitate to talk about it to your partner to avoid misunderstandings and frustration. You should also talk to your doctor, who may suggest medical solutions (hormonal creams).

In addition, it is possible that the decline of libido is not 100% related to the hormonal drop. You must therefore wonder about your mood in general. Stress or family conflict for example, can have negative consequences on the libido. In addition, it may also be accompanied by a more general disinterest in usual activities, and sometimes be a sign of depression.

Is It Normal To Feel Depressed ?

While you always been a playful nature and positive, now you do not taste anything and you are uncomfortable with your entourage!!

The causes: Hormones. The mood is indeed partly under the control of hormones, the evidence, puberty and pregnancy, they also marked by hormonal changes, affect mood (crisis of adolescence, baby blues). Moreover, menopause is also an age in life when you must face more difficulties (retirement, health concerns of elderly parents, etc.).. And beyond that, menopause marks a crucial period psychic, in the sense that a woman must accept that it will no longer have children. Anyway, women are often more irritable, more anxious, too.

The important thing is not to let settle depression. Do not hesitate to talk to friends, and especially to your doctor, or even turn to a specialist (psychiatrist or clinical psychologist).

How Long Does Perimenopause Period Last ?

The perimenopause is the period preceding menopause (the complete cessation of ovarian cycles).

"During this period, ranging from three to five years, beginning on average between 40 and 50 years, women are subjected to a hormonal upheaval. Indeed, their progesterone levels to gradually decreases and causes most of the time a series of symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, sleep disorder, and so on.

"During the perimenopause , period become irregular and menstrual cycle changes . Attention, however, it is not because some cycles jump there is no likelihood of fertilization. In other words, until menopause is not fully installed, getting pregnant is still possible.

In this serie of post i will try to answer the most common question about Menopause and subject related to it. So keep an eye on this blog for more informations.

Menopause Symptom Relief

The best menopause symptom relief is to keep things simple and natural.

Eat balanced, stay active and monitor your health are your best assets to prevent osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases and cancers.

Power: the struggle continues!

More than ever to not make weight, you must monitor your plate as far as your balance. No way to live drastic rate regimes, especially as you metabolism changes with age.

After 60 years it is not the fat that melt when we lose weight, but muscles!

Eat balanced and beware of the hidden fats and sugars in fast pastries, cakes, biscuits, cakes and adjust the quantities of food to your physical activity.


Your best weapon: physical activity. According to researchers, those who practice physical activity would have 10 to 30% of breast cancers and less.

They also highlighted an increase in BMD (bone mineral density) in women practicing an exercise over a hour three times a week.

At least 30 minutes of daily physical activity seems the right tempo.

Activities to focus on

Swimming is recommended in case you have joint problem but is useless in the fight against osteoporosis. Moreover stretching, yoga, cycling and hiking are recommended to all.

Whatever your choice, talk to your doctor before any practice.

Medical attention: a necessity

Even if you do not follow specific treatment, even if everything goes well, the end of your fertility should under no circumstances sound the death knell for your follow-up gynecologic!

A consultation, a cervical smear and mammograms are needed regularly.

Cancer of the endometrium (uterine inside the body), breast cancer, and osteoporosis are diseases whose frequency increases with menopause.

And remember screening allows better treatment.

Living With Your Menopause

The age at which occur perimenopause and menopause varies from woman to another. The intensity of these troubles is also different for each woman.

An history of hormones
Menopause marks the end of the activity of the ovaries. It corresponds to a cessation of sexual hormonal secretions (estrogen and progesterone), which leads to disruption of the body and not just at the genitals or breasts.
As you get older you may experience several troubles such as hot flashes, decreased libido, dry skin and genital tract, weight gain, fatigue, headaches, psychological fragility.

• Around 50 years
Fortunately, all women do not necessarily know all these inconveniences and intensity can be very variable. Menopause usually occurs around the fifties and settle gradually.
The phase that precedes menopause called pre or perimenopause is a period of transition.

• Perimenopause
It precedes the end of functioning ovaries (total and definitive rules) and is often a difficult period for women, the production of estrogen and progesterone begin to fall but erratically, the delicate hormonal balance is upset and inconvenience first appear.

• 3 years before menopause
Irregularity cycles, hot flashes, irritability, fatigue, weight gain and likely to gain belly, this is not uncommon.
More than one in two women can see their quality of life altered significantly during perimenopause. It lasts an average of three years but can also be much longer or shorter.

• Between 50 and 52 years
Like puberty, the age of perimenopause and menopause vary . The average age of menopause is between 50 and 52 years but can vary over a range of 10 years.
Heredity can play a role, a woman whose mother was very early menopause is likely to be early, too. As for smoking, it slightly ahead of one or two years the age of menopause.

More Menopause Risks !!

Sexual Problems

After menopause, women feel a change in their sexual desire, the hormonal imbalance can lead to sexual problems. The decline in the level of estrogen causes a reduction of blood flow at the vulva and vagina, this phenomenon may cause a reduction of lubrication and pain during sexual relations. The layer covering the vagina becomes more tenuous. Some bleeding after sexual relations can occur. These drawbacks can accentuate a lack of pleasure.

Urinary troubles

During menopause, tissues in the urinary path also change, sometimes leaving women more susceptible to involuntary loss of urine, especially if certain diseases or chronic urinary infections are also present.

Loss of memory

The women approaching menopause often complain of memory loss and an inability to concentrate. These are normal symptoms of menopause and are caused by low estrogen levels.

Trouble Falling Asleep

During menopause, insomnia and disturbed sleep may be experienced. It can take many forms, including trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep or waking up at night. Menopause can get you tired with this trouble.

In many cases, other life events such as parents, retirement or divorce, raising children and senior moving out of the house and your own aging generally occur around the time of menopause may contribute to such symptoms. To deal with the emotional symptoms of menopause you should be regularly make exercises. Talking to other women going through menopause can also help you with the emotional symptoms. During menopause you should avoid stressful situations whenever possible. You must eat healthy and take supplements of vitamins and minerals during menopause.

Physical Symptoms Of Menopause

Physical symptoms of menopause vary from a woman to another. Below I quote some of the most frequently documented:

Hot flashes occur when there are fluctuations in hormone levels. These can cause sweating day and night .

Insomnia is also a common symptom which leads to fatigue and some of the emotional side effects of menopause. Insomnia may also be the result of hot flushes as well as the pain of articulation and muscle.

Many women suffer from vaginal dryness that can be very painful. Some also noticed a diminution of their sexual impulses.

The loss of bladder control accompanied by infections of the urinary system is also a common symptoms of menopause.

Other physical symptoms include tooth decay and gum, bad breath, changes in skin and hair, increased facial hair, weight gain, and lower metabolism, a possible increase in allergies, headaches and irregular menstrual cycle.

Some women go through menopause as if nothing happened. Others suffer terribly. If you have some of the symptoms above, you can do sports, eat more fruits and vegetables, reduce the taking of alcohol and caffeine and stop smoking.

Before Menopause, Perimenopause

Reflecting the cessation of hormones production by the ovaries, the onset of menopause is difficult to identify with precision because the cessation of ovarian activity takes place gradually. Menopause is preceded by a period, which lasts an average of 3 to 4 years, where the ovaries begin to function less well. They talk about perimenopause to characterize this phase of women's lives that appears to 47 years on average, but sometimes sooner.

During perimenopause, ovulations are less well, leading to a first time on a deficit of production of progesterone, while the secretion of estrogen is preserved. Excess on estrogen compared to progesterone can cause swelling of the breasts or abdomen or weight gain. The menstrual cycle also tend to become increasingly irregular over time.

When approaching your fifties, the production of estrogen drops to turn and vaginal dryness and hot flashes may occur.

What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural phenomenon, it is not a disease.The term menopause etymologically means "no more menstrual cycle", and designates the period, which occurs when the ovaries stop producing the hormones of reproduction: estrogen and progesterone.

Menopause begins mostly around 50 years. Taking a contraceptive pill does not change the age when menopause occurs naturally.

This unique experience is experienced very differently depending on women, countries and cultures.

At what age menopause begins?

Menopause occurs on average at 51 years. But it depend from a woman to another, this step can occur naturally between 40 and 55 years. It is generally happen in advance a year or two among large smokers. In addition, certain genetic factors can play. The date of onset of menopause is often the same for a mother and daughter.