3 Menopause Type You Should Know

In the vast majority of women, menopause occurs naturally around the fifties. But some menopause are caused by or related to treatment of diseases. Still others occur after 50 years.

Menopause usually occurs between 45 and 55 years. Five per cent of women are menopausal before the age of 45 and the same proportion after 55 years. Menopause is considered early if it occurs before age 40 and later after 55 years.

The early menopause

The early menopause concern about 1% of women. They pose major problems because they are often very poorly supported psychologically. But we do not know yet how to prevent and deal with these women, who still have many years to live. There are even 0.1% of women under 30 years past menopause.

Some early menopause occurs for unknown reasons. A review should be conducted to find a possible genetic cause (fragile X syndrome, mutation receiver FSH ...), which could be the cause. We know in fact that many genetic alterations that may go unnoticed long, determine an accelerated aging of the ovaries and lead through it early menopause. Turner's syndrome (a single X chromosome) may also be involved in early menopause, but this genetic disease is generally already known. Finally, in a fifth of cases, a disease in autoimmune component may be involved.

The secondary menopause

Among other women, the cause of early menopause is obvious. Thus the case for patients who have undergone treatment that affect ovarian activity. Some treatments can induce symptoms similar to menopause (analogous to the synthesis of Gn-RH ...), but these events are temporary and disappear at the end of the prescription. These artificial menopause can result from a surgery that led to the ovaries removed because of cancer or cysts, an embolization for uterine fibroids have disrupted vasculature ovaries, irradiation of a small basin of chemotherapy anti-cancer ...

To limit this risk, doctors are trying to limit the actions that affect female fertility among cancer patients. Among girls or young women, various approaches are also developed to preserve ovarian tissue after treatment in order to maintain fertility and allow a pregnancy. If they are couples, these women may also apply for a donation of oocytes for a medically assisted procreation (PMA). The symptoms of menopause induced these are close to those of normal menopause (hot flashes ...) and expose them to 50 years with an increased risk of osteoporosis because of the absence of estrogen. This explains why doctors purpose hormone treatment for these women in a preventive purpose.

The late menopause

Menopause appearing after 55 years are quite rare. They seem to expose an increased likelihood of breast cancer, while the onset of menopause before age 45 seems contrary to represent a protective factor.